[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Leonor Bessa –  Golfland Trackman Coach

Hi everyone,

I’m Leonor Bessa, a golf lover and a native competitor. It was in my hometown – Porto, at the age of 8, that I fell in love for the very first time for this sport, since then I never stopped and in November 2018 I turned pro.

As a PGA national champion, at this moment, I’m playing the challenge tour in Europe (Letas Acess tour ) and the Spanish tour (Santander), and my goal for the near future is to play at the Ladies European Tour and to share with you my experience and my knowledge.

Golf is my passion and I always wanted to learn more so I took a course at the PGA Portugal and aiming for better facilities and weather to practice I packed and moved to the Algarve.

For me is very rewarding the opportunity of sharing my experience and knowledge with some other golfers and helping others is also something that I love to do so when I’m teaching, I’m helping people to get better and I’m adding value to someone and that makes me feel fulfilled.

Golf is a tough sport where you are most of the time frustrated and it takes a very strong mind to get through tough times and keep fighting, but my advice to everyone is that:

Everyday try to be a little better than the day before and keep yourself motivated with that.

I’m a hard worker and a believer – Coming together is the beginning!

Take this opportunity to come and find out this amazing new place to practice.


Book a time FREE OF CHARGE and add  more value to your day staying for lunch and having our SPECIAL PACKAGE

12,5O € >>  Salmon or Beef BURGER + one DRINK+ one PANNA COTA ( the best you have ever tried 🙂  )

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